Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 for MacBook with T2 (Kernel 6.9.5)

Posted by sysin on 2024-06-21
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Words 759 In Total
更新日期:Fri Jun 21 2024 13:18:00 GMT+0800,阅读量:

请访问原文链接:Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 for MacBook with T2 (Kernel 6.9.5),查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。




这是一款整合 Apple T2 驱动的 Ubuntu 24.04/22.04/20.04 镜像,并且使用了较新的内核版本。

理论上支持任意 “配备 Apple T2 安全芯片的电脑”,当然仅适用于搭载 Intel 处理器的 Mac。笔者在一台不配备 Apple T2 的 MacBook 也运行良好,也许它支持的机型更多,需要用户验证。


Kernel from - https://github.com/t2linux/T2-Debian-and-Ubuntu-Kernel

Using additional patches to support T2 Macs - https://github.com/t2linux/linux-t2-patches

Using additional drivers:

Bootloader is configure correctly out of the box. No workaround needed.


不要在你主力 Mac 上安装,除非你准备更换为 Linux 另作他用。


仅仅是为了体验 Linux,没有必要使用该镜像,虚拟化是更好的方式。

不要讨论为什么在 Mac 上运行 Linux,这个问题可能比 “库克时代还有人在 Mac 上运行 A3 系统” 更加复杂。


  1. 下载 Linux ISO(见文末下载地址)

  2. 准备 USB 存储介质(4G 及以上,USB SSD 更佳)

    打开 “磁盘工具” 抹掉 USB 存储介质,格式:MS-DOS(FAT),方案:GUID 分区图

  3. 写入 ISO 镜像到 USB 存储介质

    !!! 注意不要插入其他 USB 存储介质,防止意外误操作!!!

    diskutil list  # found which number has the USB
    diskutil umountDisk /dev/diskX # change X for your USB disk number
    sudo dd bs=4096 if=ubuntu-20.04-5.10-mbp-sysin.iso of=/dev/diskX
  4. 启动 USB 安装介质

    重启或者重新开机,按住 Option 键不放,启动选择界面出现 “EFI Boot”

  5. 开始安装

    默认启动的是 LiveCD,就像 Ubuntu 原版一样,这属于 Linux 的范畴了,不再赘述。


Ubuntu 20.04 for T2 Macs

This release is the first multi-kernel release. I’ve embedded the kernels from Aunali, Jamlam and HWE.
It includes the following kernels:

  • Ubuntu HWE 5.11.22
  • Linux Kernel 5.12.19
  • Linux Kernel 5.13.15

All kernels are patched in two alternatives: Big Sur and Mojave.

WiFi drivers need to be installed afterwards (see instructions in T2-linux).

Installing instructions and more information about the build can be found on the readme

The Latest release include kernel 5.15, 5.16 & 5.17.

Ubuntu 20.04 for T2 Macs v5.17

Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 for T2 Macs

Adding Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support:

Once you’re booted and in your desktop, run get-apple-firmware and choose the option “Retrieve the firmware directly from macOS”.

If this method doesn’t work, follow this guide to get firmware for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Adding support for Touch Bar:

If your Mac has a Touch Bar, install tiny-dfr by running sudo apt update && sudo apt install tiny-dfr

Ubuntu 24.04/22.04 for T2 Macs v6.9.5-1

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