Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU9 v14.3.11213.9000 下载

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请访问原文链接:Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU9 v14.3.11213.9000 下载,查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。


无耻抄袭者 Yu Tao 请远离本站!!!

Symantec Endpoint Security 通过跨传统和移动端点的全面攻击防护、检测和响应来防止泄露,并通过单个代理和 AI 引导式云管理来提高安全团队的效率。




Symantec Endpoint Security 提供全球最全面的集成端点安全平台。作为本地、混合或云端解决方案,单代理赛门铁克平台可保护您的所有传统和移动端点设备,并使用人工智能 (AI) 来优化安全决策 (sysin)。基于云的统一管理系统针对所有锁定您端点的高级威胁简化了保护、检测和响应策略。

  • 使企业保持正常运转。遭到入侵的端点对企业造成严重破坏。创新的攻击防御和攻击面减少机制可在整个攻击期间提供最强的安全性(例如,隐蔽的恶意软件、凭证盗窃、无文件攻击和“离地”攻击)。
  • 防止发生最坏的情况。全方位泄露是 CISO 最大的噩梦。通过先进的攻击分析和 AD 凭证盗窃预防机制,针对持久性威胁进行检测和补救。
  • 更智能的管理。工作量更小。智能自动化和 AI 引导式策略管理可提高管理员的工作效率;赛门铁克专家增强了 SOC 团队的能力,能够满足客户需求,而无需雇用更多人员。
  • 集中管理Integrated Cyber Defense Manager (ICDm) 是一款单一云管理控制台,能够加强整体的端点安全状况。
  • 全面保护端点安全。通过单代理的平台,全面保护传统设备和移动设备,提供本地、云或混合管理选项。



  • 减少攻击面

    • 漏洞修复
    • 泄露评估
    • 设备控制
    • 应用程序隔离与控制


  • 攻击防护

    • 恶意软件防护
    • 漏洞利用防范
    • 密集型防护
    • 网络连接安全


  • 泄露防护

    • 入侵防护和防火墙
    • 欺敌
    • Active Directory 安全
    • 自动管理策略


  • 响应与补救

    • 目标性攻击分析
    • 威胁搜寻
    • 集成式响应
    • 专家级 SOC 调查

Symantec Endpoint Security 一览




赛门铁克在 Gartner 2019 年“端点防护平台”魔力象限中再次荣列领导者象限。


Endpoint Protection 14

Release Name Version (build number) Release Date Document Links
14.3 RU9 14.3.25029.9000 June 17th, 2024 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU8 14.3.10148.8000 August 31st, 2023 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU7 14.3.9816.7000 March 27th, 2023 Release Notes New fixes
14.3 RU6 (Refresh) 14.3.9210.6000 January 4th, 2023 Advisory
14.3 RU5 (Refresh) 14.3.8289.5000 January 4th, 2023 Advisory
14.3 RU6 14.3.9205.6000 November 7th, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU5 Patch 1 14.3.8282.5000 November 8th, 2022 New Fixes
14.3 RU5 (Refresh) 14.3.8268.5000 July 21st, 2022 New Fixes
14.3 RU5 (Refresh) 14.3.8262.5000 July 6th, 2022 New Fixes
14.3 RU5 14.3.8259.5000 June 20th, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU4 (Refresh) 14.3.7393.4000 March 1st, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU4 14.3.7388.4000 January 31st, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU3 Patch 1 14.3.5433.3000 March 3, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU3 (Refresh) 14.3.5427.3000 December 15th, 2021 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU3 14.3.5413.3000 September 17th, 2021 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU2 Patch 2 14.3.4647.2000 March 3, 2022 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU2 Patch 1 14.3.4637.2000 September 7, 2021 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU2 14.3.4615.2000 May 11th, 2021 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU1 MP1 14.3.3580.1100 March 3rd, 2021 Release Notes New Fixes
14.3 RU1 (refresh) 14.3.3385.1000 January 19th, 2021 New Fixes
14.3 RU1 14.3.3384.1000 December 4th, 2020 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.3 MP1 (refresh) 14.3.1169.0100 September 11th, 2020 Release Notes
14.3 MP1 14.3.1148.0100 July 31, 2020 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.3 14.3.558.0000** May 5, 2020 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.2 RU2 MP1 14.2.5587.2100 April 7, 2020 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.2 RU2 MP1 14.2.5569.2100 January 27, 2020 See above. (14.2 RU2) 14.2.5323.2000 November 12, 2019 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements (14.2 RU1 MP1) 14.2.4815.1101 September 24, 2019 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements (14.2 RU1 MP1) 14.2.4814.1101 August 20, 2019 See above. (14.2 RU1 MP1) 14.2.4811.1100 August 5, 2019 See above.
14.2.1 (14.2 RU1) (Refresh) 14.2.3335.1000 May 21, 2019 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.2.1 (14.2 RU1)* 14.2.3332.1000 April 22, 2019 See above. (14.2 MP1) 14.2.1057.0103 August 21, 2019 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements (14.2 MP1) 14.2.1031.0100 November 26, 2018 See above. (14.2 MP1) 14.2.1023.0100 October 22, 2018 See above. (14.2 MP1) 14.2.1015.0100 October 2, 2018 See above.
14.2 14.2.770.0000 July 24, 2018 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.2 14.2.760.0000 June 28, 2018 See above.
14.2 14.2.758.0000 June 15, 2018 See above (14 RU1 MP2) 14.0.3929.1200 March 29, 2018 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements (14 RU1 MP1b) 14.0.3897.1101 January 23, 2018 (Patch to fix 14.0.3892.1101) Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements (14 RU1 MP1a) 14.0.3892.1101 January 17, 2018 (Patch for cosmetic issue obsoleted by Microsoft patch on January 18.) See above. (14 RU1 MP1) 14.0.3876.1100 December 29, 2017 See above.
14.0.1a (14 RU1a) 14.0.3775.1002 January 17, 2018 (Patch for cosmetic issue obsoleted by Microsoft patch on January 18) Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14.0.1 (14 RU1) 14.0.3752.1000 October 12, 2017 See above.
14.0 MP2a 14.0.2455.0206 January 17, 2018 (Patch for cosmetic issue obsoleted by Microsoft patch on January 18) Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14 MP2 14.0.2415.0200 June 2, 2017 See above.
14 MP1 Refresh Build 14.0.2349.0100 March 16, 2017 Note: If you run 14 MP1 (14.0.2332.0100), do not upgrade to the 14 MP1 Refresh Build (14.0.2349.0100). Both versions are considered current. Upgrading from 14 MP1 to 14 MP1 Refresh Build (14.0.2349.0100) is not supported. The code change in 14 MP1 Refresh Build, which addresses the following issue, is slated for inclusion in a future release of version 14: Using a sole trailing backslash with an Exception prefix variable in SEP 14 MP1 causes ccSvcHst.exe to crash (TECH239782) Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements
14 MP1 14.0.2332.0100 February 17, 2017 See above.
14 (14 RTM) 14.0.1904.0000 October 28, 2016 Release Notes New Fixes System Requirements

***The 14.3 SEP for Mac client version is 14.3.510.0000.

Release Terminology

  • RTM - Release to Manufacturing
  • RU - Release Update
  • MP - Maintenance Patch


Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU3 v14.3.5413.3000 英文版

据悉 14.3 RU2 开始不提供简体中文版了(非官方,仅供参考),现在 14.3 RU4 恢复简体中文版了。

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU4 Refresh v14.3.7393.4000 简体中文版,英文版

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU5 Refresh 2 v14.3.8268.5000 简体中文版、英文版(Full),繁体中文版(仅 Client)

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU6 v14.3.9205.6000 简体中文版、繁体中文版、英文版(SEPM, Client, Full)

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU7 v14.3.9816.7000 英文版(Client, Full)

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU8 v14.3.10148.8000 简体中文版、繁体中文版、英文版 (Windows x86/arm64 Client, SEPM, Full)

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU9 v14.3.11213.9000 英文版 (Windows x86/arm64 Client, Full)

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